Friday, January 21, 2011

The Ole To-Do List

Well, I'm getting there...

This is a list of things that I want to tackle in the (very) near future in my room. This has been prominently hanging from my door as a reminder of what I'd like to get done. CHere's what the list says:

~Organize inside of closet; get new boxes that match
~Get rid of karaoke machine/stereo --- They've been cluttering up my room for a quite a while now without being touched!
~Clear out from under my bed
~Organize papers; create a filing system
~Go through books and see what I don't want
~Go through "junk drawers" and eliminate clutter
~Organize wires and cables
~Reorganize bookcase
~Get a headboard
~Paint walls gray
~Organize money, checks, and reciepts
~Organize CDs and Movies
~Create a storage space for hoodies and blankets
~Get rid of guitars and/or find space for them
~Empty out suitcase (it's currently stuffed with a bunch of junk...eeek)
~Find place for stuffed animals (they're all in a huge bin in my closet)
~Get a new comforter and blankets --- ya know, cause these winters are chilly
~Create a space for new collections (antiques/junk store finds) in order to display them
~Pick out a color scheme to stick with --- for me, it's difficult
~Look for a new chair cushion
~Clean desk and dresser surfaces
~Make room in my closet for future redecorations (so the old stuff isn't just thrown in my closet)
~Organize craft bins
~Get new curtains

Okay, so lately I've been tackling a lot of these little steps. I've gotten rid of the karaoke and stereo, and I have this whole weekend dedicated to organizing my closet, papers, bookshelves, cables, etc. Hopefully this list will be half way done in the next 3 days... wish me luck!

-Rachel :)

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