Monday, April 25, 2011

Crossing it Off

Yeah.... it's definitely been a while. My life has been so busy lately, and I've gotten practically no time at home to myself! Between work, the spring musical, endless amounts of school work, and being on vacation, it's nice to just have a lazy day at home for once.

Anyways, it's time to update the ole to-do list.

There have been several things that I've got to cross of my list lately, including: organize my closet, get rid of my stereo and karaoke machine, organize my papers, wires, cables, bookshelves, financial papers, CDs, and movies, get a headboard, paint my walls gray, find room for hoodies and blankets, get rid of stuffed animals, get a new comforter, find a color scheme (more details soon), and organize my crafts. Whew. That's a lot. However, there are still quite a few things that I need to tackle....

I've had my guitars for quite a while, and haven't used them for quite a while. They pretty much just sit there and collect dust, and fill in that small corner in my room. I think it's time to say goodbye to these guys...

I know, it's gross. That's the surface of my desk. Between pencil markings and ice cream spots, my desk tops have become a sloppy mess. I will definitely be taking care of them today!

Well, getting new curtains was on my list of things to do, but I realized that I want to keep the ones I already have. What I did was I unknotted them so that they're more long and puddle at the bottom. However, they are extremely long and puddle too much, so I think I will be hemming/shortening them in the near future.

Alas. The left overs from "getting rid of junk". This is the junk that still sits in my room after clearing out my closet and junk drawers. Half the stuff I don't even know what to do with! I will be taking the day to go through all of it and put things where they truly belong. The boxes have been sitting in my room (and my sisters room for a while) forever, and it's time I finally deal with them. It's driving me nuts!

And there we have it. Stuff I have yet accomplished. I'm really determined to get my room to finally be complete, and look the way I want it to look. I'll be sure to get start cracking today.

-Rachel :)