Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Puddle Gray




This ones my favorite. I'm in love with the turquise dresser...future project? I think so.

Well, not sure if you can tell, but I'm seriously thinking about painting the walls of my room gray. I've seen this done so many times, and I fall in love with the idea of having gray walls more and more. It'll go perfect with my current room design- plus it's great if I ever decide to switch up my room (which I highly doubt). So, I've started looking at some possible color choices online using Behr's Virtual Color Center and I think I've found some shades that I like...
Here's what I've considered so far:
~Winter Cocoa (lovin' the name)
~Puddle (The shade name I used in the title)
Not sure if I'm actually going to go with Behr paint, but I like seeing different shades on their website to sorta see what I'm looking for (I really wanna go with paint with no VOCs). My favorites so far are definitely Winter Cocoa and Pewter Mug. My only concern is whether I should choose one with a purple base or a blue base.... I guess I'll have to be going to Home Depot to get some paint chips...
-Rachel :)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Antique Shop

I REALLY liked this sofa... I even considered buying the pillow too!
I can see this being in my apartment when I'm in my 20's...(or 18) haha

My family and I were up in Michigan for Thanksgiving this past weekend and stopped by a cute little antique shop. There were so many cute things in this store, I had to whip out my phone and snap some pictures (hence the poor quality). I totally regret not buying anything...
-Rachel :)

PS: Happy birthday to my beautiful mother! :)