Friday, August 27, 2010


Well hello there!

Yes, it's been a while, but only because I was in Florida last week and this week I've been caught up in a lot of work and summer homework assignments! Thankfully, I've completed everything except an essay and just a little bit of my math packet. I'm sorta hoping that writing this post will help me get into the whole "writing" mood. But enough about that; I wanna talk about Florida!

I was lucky enough to go on an awesome trip with my family down to Orlando. We didn't really have many plans, we just sorta found things that would be fun and interesting. We went to Gatorland (which we actually got free tickets thanks to my mom's awesome work place), Daytona Beach, Wet n Wild water park, and just did so many little things to keep us busy! But my favorite thing we did was go Vintage shopping! We tried 2 days to find Vintage stores around the area. We had mapped out 4, tried 3, but were only successful with one. Although I only left with a t-shirt and a dress, it was AMAZING! Now all I want to do is open up a vintage shop with my mom and sister! (Trust me, we've thought about this A LOT.)

Although there were points that week where things got a little dramatic, I had a blast and I'm happy to be home and have so many great memories.

I'm going to try to write more posts later on because I start high school on Monday and I feel the need to document my very first week. I already had orientation and I just can't WAIT. I'm also planning on making a post of just all the artistic pictures I took around Orlando and Daytona. So stay tuned!...all zero of you! Hah.

-Rachel :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

19 More Days


I've been having some trouble getting my priorities straight on what I need/want to buy before school starts. Here are just a few things that remind me to quit buying more clothes and buy these instead:

{ll bean}


(for my lunch) {modcloth}

I just need these things, my regular school supplies, some plain cardigans (which I consider a necessity, and has quite frankly been hard to find at a good price!) and maybe some chain from Michael's to fix myself up some necklaces. Then I'll be ready to go!...oh yeah, and finish my summer work. But I finished my book yesterday morning so now all I have left is an essay, a little bit of math, and a creative project!

-Rachel :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's HERE!

I was so excited when it came in the mail! I know, I'm a dork. But GAH! Being the cheap-buyer myself, of course I love Ikea! And all of the pictures and room designs are so pretty!! ;)
-Rachel :)

My Luck is Changing!

Well... I haven't been able to make any posts due to the fact that my internet connection hasbeen bad on my computer for about a week now. So for the meantime, I have to use my Dad's.

Anyways, a TON of stuff has been happening lately. First off, I got a job at my local ice cream place! I'm really excited about it because I will finally be getting money in the bank and so far I've been having a blast! My sister also works there so she's been training me and showing me how to do everything.

Second, I recently found out (as in 2 days ago) that I have been accepted into a special magnent high school! I'm SOOO happy to be going there and can't wait for school to start up in a few weeks. But my only problem is that there are only a few weeks left of summer, and I'm supposed to get all of my reading assignments done in time for the first day of school. Plus, I'm going on vacation in about a week and I started my job so that shortens my time even more-EEK!

Haha. I'm a fast reader and do relatively well at math so HOPEFULLY this will be a piece of cake! Luckily, one of the books I have to read is -supposedly- a fun read and excellent book!

{the catcher in the rye}

-Rachel :)